Source code for topopt.boundary_conditions

"""Boundary conditions for topology optimization (forces and fixed nodes)."""

# Import standard library
import abc

# Import modules
import numpy

# Import TopOpt modules
from .utils import xy_to_id

[docs]class BoundaryConditions(abc.ABC): """ Abstract class for boundary conditions to a topology optimization problem. Functionalty for geting fixed nodes, forces, and passive elements. Attributes ---------- nelx: int The number of elements in the x direction. nely: int The number of elements in the y direction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nelx: int, nely: int): """ Create the boundary conditions with the size of the grid. Parameters ---------- nelx: The number of elements in the x direction. nely: The number of elements in the y direction. """ self.nelx = nelx self.nely = nely self.ndof = 2 * (nelx + 1) * (nely + 1)
def __str__(self) -> str: """Construct a string representation of the boundary conditions.""" return self.__class__.__name__ def __format__(self, format_spec) -> str: """Construct a formated representation of the boundary conditions.""" return str(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Construct a representation of the boundary conditions.""" return "{}(nelx={:d}, nely={:d})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.nelx, self.nely) @abc.abstractproperty def fixed_nodes(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Fixed nodes of the problem.""" pass @abc.abstractproperty def forces(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Force vector for the problem.""" pass @property def passive_elements(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Passive elements to be set to zero density.""" return numpy.array([]) @property def active_elements(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Active elements to be set to full density.""" return numpy.array([])
[docs]class MBBBeamBoundaryConditions(BoundaryConditions): """Boundary conditions for the Messerschmitt–Bölkow–Blohm (MBB) beam.""" @property def fixed_nodes(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Fixed nodes in the bottom corners.""" dofs = numpy.arange(self.ndof) fixed = numpy.union1d(dofs[0:2 * (self.nely + 1):2], numpy.array( [2 * (self.nelx + 1) * (self.nely + 1) - 1])) return fixed @property def forces(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Force vector in the top center.""" f = numpy.zeros((self.ndof, 1)) f[1, 0] = -1 return f
[docs]class CantileverBoundaryConditions(BoundaryConditions): """Boundary conditions for a cantilever.""" @property def fixed_nodes(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Fixed nodes on the left.""" ys = numpy.arange(self.nely + 1) lefty_to_id = numpy.vectorize( lambda y: xy_to_id(0, y, self.nelx, self.nely)) ids = lefty_to_id(ys) fixed = numpy.union1d(2 * ids, 2 * ids + 1) # Fix both x and y dof return fixed @property def forces(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Force vector in the middle right.""" f = numpy.zeros((self.ndof, 1)) dof_index = 2 * xy_to_id( self.nelx, self.nely // 2, self.nelx, self.nely) + 1 f[dof_index, 0] = -1 return f
[docs]class LBracketBoundaryConditions(BoundaryConditions): """Boundary conditions for a L-shaped bracket."""
[docs] def __init__(self, nelx: int, nely: int, minx: int, maxy: int): """ Create L-bracket boundary conditions with the size of the grid. Parameters ---------- nelx: The number of elements in the x direction. nely: The number of elements in the y direction. minx: The minimum x coordinate of the passive upper-right block. maxy: The maximum y coordinate of the passive upper-right block. Raises ------ ValueError: `minx` and `maxy` must be indices in the grid. """ BoundaryConditions.__init__(self, nelx, nely) if(minx < 0 or minx >= nelx): raise ValueError( "minx must be a valid index into the grid [0, nelx)!") if(maxy < 0 or maxy >= nely): raise ValueError( "maxy must be a valid index into the grid [0, nely)!") self.passive_min_x = minx self.passive_min_y = 0 self.passive_max_x = nelx - 1 self.passive_max_y = maxy
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Construct a representation of the boundary conditions.""" return "{}(nelx={:d}, nely={:d}, minx={:d}, maxy={:d})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.nelx, self.nely, self.passive_min_x, self.passive_max_y) @property def fixed_nodes(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Fixed nodes in the top row.""" x = numpy.arange(self.passive_min_x) topx_to_id = numpy.vectorize( lambda x: xy_to_id(x, 0, self.nelx, self.nely)) ids = topx_to_id(x) fixed = numpy.union1d(2 * ids, 2 * ids + 1) return fixed @property def forces(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Force vector in the middle right.""" f = numpy.zeros((self.ndof, 1)) fx = self.nelx # fy = (self.nely - self.passive_max_y) // 2 + self.passive_max_y for i in range(1, 2): fy = self.passive_max_y + 2 * i id = xy_to_id(fx, fy, self.nelx, self.nely) f[2 * id + 1, 0] = -1 return f @property def passive_elements(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Passive elements in the upper right corner.""" X, Y = numpy.mgrid[self.passive_min_x:self.passive_max_x + 1, self.passive_min_y:self.passive_max_y + 1] pairs = numpy.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T passive_to_ids = numpy.vectorize(lambda xy: xy_to_id( *xy, nelx=self.nelx - 1, nely=self.nely - 1), signature="(m)->()") return passive_to_ids(pairs)
[docs]class IBeamBoundaryConditions(BoundaryConditions): """Boundary conditions for an I-shaped beam.""" @property def fixed_nodes(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Fixed nodes in the bottom row.""" x = numpy.arange(self.nelx + 1) botx_to_id = numpy.vectorize( lambda x: xy_to_id(x, self.nely, self.nelx, self.nely)) ids = 2 * botx_to_id(x) fixed = numpy.union1d(ids, ids + 1) return fixed @property def forces(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Force vector on the top row.""" x = numpy.arange(self.nelx + 1) topx_to_id = numpy.vectorize( lambda x: xy_to_id(x, 0, self.nelx, self.nely)) ids = 2 * topx_to_id(x) + 1 f = numpy.zeros((self.ndof, 1)) f[ids] = -1 return f @property def passive_elements(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Passive elements on the left and right.""" X1, Y1 = numpy.mgrid[0:(self.nelx // 3), (self.nely // 4):(3 * self.nely // 4)] X2, Y2 = numpy.mgrid[(2 * self.nelx // 3):self.nelx, (self.nely // 4):(3 * self.nely // 4)] X = numpy.append(X1.ravel(), X2.ravel()) Y = numpy.append(Y1.ravel(), Y2.ravel()) pairs = numpy.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T passive_to_ids = numpy.vectorize(lambda xy: xy_to_id( *xy, nelx=self.nelx - 1, nely=self.nely - 1), signature="(m)->()") return passive_to_ids(pairs)
[docs]class IIBeamBoundaryConditions(IBeamBoundaryConditions): """Boundary conditions for an II-shaped beam.""" @property def passive_elements(self): """:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Passives on the left, middle, and right.""" X1, Y1 = numpy.mgrid[0:(self.nelx // 5), (self.nely // 4):(3 * self.nely // 4)] X2, Y2 = numpy.mgrid[(2 * self.nelx // 5):(3 * self.nelx // 5), (self.nely // 4):(3 * self.nely // 4)] X3, Y3 = numpy.mgrid[(4 * self.nelx // 5):self.nelx, (self.nely // 4):(3 * self.nely // 4)] X = numpy.append(numpy.append(X1.ravel(), X2.ravel()), X3.ravel()) Y = numpy.append(numpy.append(Y1.ravel(), Y2.ravel()), Y3.ravel()) pairs = numpy.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T passive_to_ids = numpy.vectorize(lambda xy: xy_to_id( *xy, nelx=self.nelx - 1, nely=self.nely - 1), signature="(m)->()") return passive_to_ids(pairs)